The truth about the universe.
As an aspiring editor who is currently pursuing engineering for no purposes apart from financial freedom and an individual room in any a brown household, I have discovered that the brain has wonderful tendencies to think. Not just think, THINK. THINK. You know it's serious when I'm using italics AND caps.
I've been forced to face multiple religions in their third eye and none of them have looked back. People think they are solely responsible for saving their gods. Their religions. This truly took away my faith in the whole system. I even passed through the stage where you only believe what you can see/ can be proved, but only to my misfortune. How? Karma took the reins to my whole ass-kicking. Or that's what I'd like to believe, since there is no other feasible explanation for all the awful things that've befallen me.
Coming to the truth about the universe, it's simple. Four points summarize it and that is the only thing that has come close to restoring my faith about this world that lives around me.
Change - the only permanent thing.
You think it's something you know, but it usually is something similar to your fine print in that insurance paper that chips away at your life savings one bite at a time. Change is everlasting, as in nothing ever stays the same. Seasons, your mood 2 minutes ago, the colour of your white tee after a wrong wash cycle. The only way through it is the word that so beautifully explains the process - 'cope'.
Balance - the only thing you must seek.
Change and balance are often interrelated. Things change in order to restore/create balance. Balance is the only real thing in this universe, and there's even proof. People seek peace, happiness, money, joy, amongst many other things in order to bear the burden of their existence. But you must only seek balance. Know that everything in this world is a product of it. You can never be happy, sad, alive or angry for too long. Only until the scales tip. If someone dies here, someone else is born there. Accept this and anything life throws at you, you'll learn to bobsled through it. I like the word bobsled. Get over it. Bobsled.
Tragedy - the only true emotion.
Like time and gravity being the real units of measurement in this universe, tragedy is the only true emotion. People die, things break, the world ends, and you lose things. It is like how justice sits and watches while things go wrong. It is unfair and fair. Tragedy is the only true history that can be penned. But it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. Balance always takes care. Tragedy is merciless, like a tiger munching on a deer neck. Sure, the deer had had family to get back to, but otherwise the tiger would starve to death. It happens, and you move on from it, while realizing there is nothing you can do to control it. It is madness and it is naked, only few have courage to grasp onto it.
Why is this a truth? Take a look at that wound you had when you slipped on face first. How did it heal? It adapted. Nature's cruel changes will knife you, but you will always have a weapon ready. Your body, albeit hateful towards change, is a monstrous adaptable artillery. It will adapt through anything.
There also is a fifth truth, the creator. There isn't a thing in this world that moved without an external force. The one or many, responsible for everything. That is whom you must believe in, and when times get hard, look to your people for help because most times, the simplest answer is probably the right one.